Single linked lists are simple, doubly linked lists are harder, but circular linked lists are definitely the most elegant types of lists and it turns out that they are not actually that hard to implement.

What is the difference between a circular linked list and doubly linked list? Well, in the circular list there are no NULL pointers indicating the beginning or the end of the list. Instead, we indicate the start and the end a of the list using the guard element (G).

This element usually has no payload associated with it and acts only as a indicator for the beginning and the end of the list. If a list has only one element then that element points to itself.

If such element has no payload, then it is a guard element and represents an empty list. If the element has some payload associated with it, then it is a free node that yet has not been connected to the list. Everything forms a closed loop.

The structure for the circular linked list is really simple. It only requires two pointers. One pointing to the next element (next) and another pointing the previous element (prev).

Storing payload

How do you store payload with such list? Well you can directly embed it in the struct item like this:

Unfortunately, this way your list can only hold one type of payload (in this case struct a). You can make it more generic by using a macro and define many types of lists for different types of payload.

But then every type of such list will need a separate set of functions dedicated for this specific type, which you will also need to define through a macro. And usually more macros equal more trouble.

We can do this the other way around. We can embed a struct item into the payload structure. Yes. This way we can implement all list operations for a single struct item type. If we want to access the payload, we can do so with the help of a very cool container_of() macro, invented a long time ago by Linux kernel developers.

It allows you to get a pointer to the structure that struct item is embedded into, by using a pointer to struct item.

Ok. Let’s implement the basic operations for this list.

Linking two elements together

Let’s say we have a bunch of list nodes. To make a list we need to be able to link them together. We need a function that will do this. We will call it list_link(), because its purpose is to link two nodes together.

So given any two nodes, we want to link them so that one is placed before another.

Here is the code for such function. Its just two lines.

That was easy and we’ve just got an element initializer for our list nodes for free. To initalize a node we can link it with itself.

This is how the node a looks like before and after it is initalized.

Ready for the next operation? It is even cooler.

Splitting the list into two lists

Now let’s write the second operation, whose purpose will bo to split any circular list into two circular sublists by connecting two nodes. Let’s call this operation list_split()

So for any given list:

If we do list_split() at node a and b we get this.

The code for list_split() looks like that:

What is so cool about it? These are all operations you will mostly need. The rest are just wrappers.

Joining two lists together

Here we have a kind of a reverse situation

What is so cool about the list_split() is that if we call it on a and c, we will join the two list back together! Yes!

So we can create a wrapper for this:

Adding an element to the list

Adding an element to the list is also easy. A single initialized element of the list is also a circular linked list. So the operation is exactly the same as list_join()

If we want to add an element before (at the end), we can just reverse the arguments.

Removing an element from the list

This is also cool.

Calling list_remove(&a) on the following list:

Will remove element a from the list.


With just two operations list_link() and list_split(), you can quickly implement a circular double linked list with basic functionality.

This is a pretty basic implementation, but for many cases it can be enough. For more robust and field proven examples of circular linked lists take a look at linux/list.h or git/list.h.