Every so often you may find yourself connected to a remote Linux machine located in a place far far away and with absolutely no straightforward method of transfering files. You might desperately need to copy a file from that location, but there might be no ftp server, no ssh server (so no scp available), no samba share nor any other file transfer service. Clearly, not the most convenient set of circumstances.

Often you are limited to only copying the text from a remote console into the clipboard. This is true for the telnet or serial connections, also for the situations where you connect somewhere using the remote desktop to use ssh remotely. In addition you can work with a Virtual Machine, with no shared directories set up, only the clipboard.

How to transfer the files, then? If you have the internet connectivity you can use services like https://transfer.sh, but is transfering your data to a remote server on the internet secure? Provided that you may hold confidential or sensitive data - there is no discussion. It is possible to quickly configure a local network service just for this purpose, but it may take time that you don’t have. After all, you just need to copy a file!

Crazy method

Assuming that your file is named your_file.

First compress your_file with tar and then redirect tar output to the base64 command

$ tar -xzvf - your_file | base64

This will print a BIG string




Which then you can copy from the terminal into the clipboard and paste it into the file (let’s call it base64.txt) at the destination location.

After saving the file with base64 string in it, it is the time to decode it.

Just do the reverse:

$ cat base64.txt | base --decode | tar -xzvf -

And there you have it.